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托福往年考试真题 菁选3篇 小托福考试真题

更新时间:2023-03-10 20:05:23 点击: 来源:yutu


  托福听力Conversation 1


  托福听力Lecture 1


  托福听力Lecture 2


  托福听力Conversation 2


  托福听力Lecture 3


  托福听力Lecture 4




  How to decrease the traffic congestion in cities?


  Do you agree or disagree the following statement? It’s never too old to get a university degree.

  托福口语Task 3



  Because 1)不方便,只需关闭需要整修的地方就可以了,不应该关闭整个体育馆;


  托福口语Task 4

  Reading: creative grouping:分类和赋予新的'功能定义会让商品卖得更好。

  Listening : 教授以手表公司为例:公司通过改变产品设计把产品变成另一种类型。例如:表用塑料做而不是金属和宝石,让表看起来更时尚、有趣、休闲,反而卖得更好。

  托福口语Task 5

  Problem: 女生所选的课和她要给孩子当讲师的时间冲突了。

  Solution 1:选另外一门课,但她非常喜欢现在选的这门课;

  Solution 2:选择另外一个志愿者代替她给孩子讲课,但她认为这是非常好的经验,她想当一名老师。

  托福口语Task 6








  欧洲中世纪发展。欧洲中世纪突飞猛进的发展主要有三个方面的原因,主要分析了三个方面的原因:1.宗教 2.政治 3.地理。宗教上人们开始质疑开始探索新精神新科技。地理方面由于意大利地理条件的优越,当时文化经济快速持续发展,使得其迅速变成贸易中心,贸易物品从M地运到法国。后面分析了一下当时的政治因素。



托福往年考试真题 (菁选3篇)扩展阅读

托福往年考试真题 (菁选3篇)(扩展1)

——托福历年口语考试真题 (菁选3篇)


  Some people go to take exercise outside or go to gym each day, while others take exercise or go to gym when they have free time. Which opinion would you prefer and give your reasons.

  Sample answer :

  Well,I prefer to take exercise when I have free time. Because first of all, I am very busy studying all kinds of courses. I want to strengthen my body but I really have no regular time for it. So working out when I am free becomes the only choice when it comes to the issue of exercise. Second, some sports field like swimming pool , tennis court and so on are not available everyday, we can only choose several days a week to do the sports. Besides, playing sports too frequently makes people tired easily, I think exercising three times a week and one hour per time is enough and better.


  Reading:学生建议把dormitory lounges里的电视机搬走,因为顾看电视不说话会影响学生之间的.交流及互动;而且,电视噪音也会影响学生睡觉和学习。


  Because 1)同学们一起看电视节目反而会促进交流,比如看一些政治新闻节目,会引发大家的评论,然后大家会一切讨论;



  Reading: ambient advertising 商家可以有一些创新的广告点子,例如把广告和环境结合起来,而且商店最好就在广告旁边,这样顾客看到广告,然后直接进商店购买东西。

  Listening : 教授举了snack bar的例子进行说明:人们经常很忙,忘记吃早餐,一家餐饮公司和铁路公司商量,把他们的广告印在了tickets上。而不是以往的newspaper上,人们会觉得很新奇就会仔细看,这样会促进他们买早餐,然后就可以直接在train station买这家店的吃的了。

托福往年考试真题 (菁选3篇)(扩展2)

——往年的托福考试真题有哪些 (菁选2篇)


  Task 1

  If you are going to have an interview with a famous people in your community, which of the following people will you choose? Give detailed information to support your answer and explain why.

  Task 2

  Which one do you agree? Children born with talent should be treated in a different way or they should be treated in the same way as average children.

  Task 3

  标题:A letter suggests that university should not allow students to sleep on the couches in the library.

  原因1:They will occupy the space where other students need to study.

  原因2:Visitors sometimes come to the campus and make campus tours. If they see this they will think this university is not very serious.



  原因1: Students can always find place to study, they can sit on the chairs and chairs are as comfortable as couches.

  原因2:When visitors come. If they see this they will think those students are really hard with their work and they are just so tired and they have a short break on the couches.

  Task 4

  标题:Ambient advertising

  定义:Ambient advertising refers to an advertising strategy which using creative and unexpected ways to advertise the products.

  例子:A snack bar make a deal with the train company and post the advertisement on the train, so compared with ads on books and magazines, people are more likely to see these ads and they may come to the snack bar to have something to eat. Snack shop in the train station also prints ads on the train tickets, in this way more customers will come to the shop.

  Task 5

  问题:The girl is going to give a gift to her advisor who helped her a lot within her study. But she doesn't know what gift to choose.

  解决方案1:She can but some coffee tickets.

  缺点1:She would like to send something special to her advisor. But the coffee tickets are not special.

  解决方案2:She is going to buy a book which her advisor is interested in.

  缺点2: But the book is sold online and its price is about $50, so it is too expensive.

  Task 6

  话题: Two effects of temperature regulation of plants

  要点1:Help plants survive in cold weather.

  例子1:A kind of plants keep their flowers and leaves warm in early spring, when the weather is still cold, and its warm temperature can melt the snow.

  要点2: Help plants reproduce.

  例子2: Another plants keep themselves warm to attract insects which help carry pollen. When it is cold, insects will have a rest on these flowers, and in this way the plants are then pollinated.


  Conversation 1


  内容回忆:学生来找社会学老师,说自己做图书馆volunteer,图书大甩卖。老师说这个跟你的assignment有什么关系呢?学生说自己可以在volunteer的过程中观察他人。然后他们就开始聊assignment,老师说其实人与人的interaction可以分成两种,一种叫unfocused interaction,比如点点头,微笑,没有直接的交流。一种是focused interaction,比如两个人开始讲话。后来围绕这个探讨。

  Conversation 2


  内容回忆:学生来找老师,说自己最近活动超级多,参加学生orientation了解到许多,比如还可以有兼职。老师说很好,然后他们聊到选课的问题,学生纠结不知道该选什么课,对animals很感兴趣但是又不想选这个基础课。老师说有一个biology103 不错,学生说这个生物课有实验课吗?然后讨论选课。

  Lecture 1

  学科分类:Art history

  标题:studio art

  内容回忆:讲一种叫plein air 的艺术模式, 这个plein air 是法语表示open air的意思,就是主张艺术应该走到外面去,走到大自然去。然后举例, 莫奈,说莫奈的很多作品,光线,风格场景都是plein air. 接着又开始聊这种风格的演变。

  Lecture 2


  标题: supernova

  supernova, 讲的是太空中的天文现象supernova,以及它的形成。Supernova指的是超新星,超新星爆发是一些恒星在演化接近末期时经历的一种剧烈爆炸。然后提到这个supernova和stellar的比较,接着提到它们的亮度。最后又提到stellar wind的作用。

  Lecture 3


  标题: decompose分解


  Lecture 4


  标题: city planning

  内容回忆:city planning,讲种树对社区社会的好处。学生说可以有阴凉,老师说对,补充说还可以蓄水防止洪灾。学生说对心理也有帮助,看见绿色植物心情好,工作有效率,老师说很好,后来又提到树木有经济价值。

托福往年考试真题 (菁选3篇)(扩展3)



  Some people like to go straight to the destination to see the view while traveling. Other people prefer to enjoy the scenery along the way. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons to support your answer.


  Intro:enjoy the scenery along the way


  1. traveling is a process

  2. see some places that we haven’t been to

  3. less stressful and more enjoyable

  Transitional words : first,second,finally

  Some people like to go straight to the destination to see the view while traveling because they want to spend a long period of time enjoying the place as they planned. But as far as I’m concerned. I prefer to enjoy the scenery along the way.

  First,traveling is a process,not a destination. In most cases,traveling is a process of getting from point A to point B. The mind is relaxing while the landscape is passed by. Moreover, it is a process of sightseeing for us to communicate with the history and nature.

  Second,taking time along the way enables us to see some places that we haven't been to or may not have the chance to go for a visit. What a good additional gain!

  Finally,not rushing to the destination but enjoying the sights during the journey is less stressful and more enjoyable.

托福往年考试真题 (菁选3篇)(扩展4)







  3.用作为passageways,这样国王死后可以travel through。


  1.Only two pairs of S rising from tomb可以bring air,其他不可以,而且其他建的S都是similar的,所以只有两个并不能用来让worker呼吸;

  2.埃及人用specific star象征specific god在later time,S build 在早期并没有记录提到这种宗教象征;

  3.埃及人确实相信king spirit死后会回归,但并不是通过actual door,其他金字塔内的都是symbol door,所以这个不是


  经典Task2 Paired-choice Agreement/Disagreement同意与否观点阐述类题目,只需阐明观点同意与否,并给出合理解释即可。此题无论同意与否, 只要给出合理的解释即可,可采用推理与事实论证的方法进行细节扩充。




  ① Love of beauty is common to all men.

  ② It is an era that good-looking deserves the best.

  ③ The risks and hazards associated with plastic surgery have been greatly minimized due to the developing technology.

  ④ A way to set up self-confidence.

  2、 Disagreement:


  ① It’s pretty risky to do this since some surgery failed.

  ② A waste of money if the changed appearance does not lead to good results.

  ③ People will be addicted if they do once or twice, even more (e.g. Michael Jackson)

  ④ It is not the real beauty.


  这次考的是archaeology类,常规题型。在逻辑上,是阅读提出三个论点, 听力一一提出反驳,认为这三个论点不成立。综合写作整体难度中等。可以采取这样的写作思路

  In the lecture, The professor argues that . However, the reading material contends that …. /The professor casts doubt on the reading by using a number of points that are contrary to the reading passage.

  The first point the professor uses to cast doubt on the reading is that …

  Secondly, according to the professor…, which differs from the reading in that the reading states …

  Finally, the professor argues that …, while the reading material suggests that …

托福往年考试真题 (菁选3篇)(扩展5)

——2月28日托福独立写作真题 (菁选2篇)


  Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development.


  Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development.

  Technological advancement has contributed to the invention of a wide range of electronic products and there are an increasing number of children who are reported to rely heavily on the technology. Thus, the controversy is raised among the public whether playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends are better for the children’s development. From my perspective, I insist on that depending on high technology is a rather right decision.

  For one thing, children can learn more about the world and develop a better way of resolving problems. For instance, the upcoming Fourth Industrial Revolution heralds a thorough change of the composition of working force in the society and learning the latest news through computers or smartphones will lead children to be aware of what are needed urgently and what have been outdated, in this way, they can decide what kinds of capabilities and qualities they should develop for being accustomed to the fast-changing world. Besides, children nowadays have to accomplish diverse curriculums many difficult assignments like writing a paper related to how independent war was sparkled or what consequences had been aroused after the assassination of Lincoln. Computers can help resolve the problem more effectively by providing students with abundant references and historic documentation. Additionally, there have been more educational programs spreading through the Internet like TED that is designed to disseminate the most outstanding professors’ lectures throughout the world to share the greatest ideas with people in every corner of the world. Obviously, relying on the high-tech devices can be of great benefits for children both to resolve the problems they might meet during their study and learn more things beyond their textbooks.

  For another thing, video games have been designed to be more alluring and intellectually demanding. To be more specific, there have occurred many more video games that are invented to exploit children’s imagination and also release their pressure. Take Minecraft, a popular game sweeping many primary and high school students, as an example. In the game, players can use diverse construction materials and tools to construct what they like such as a castle or a skyscraper even a city. Besides, by decorating the entities they created in many different styles, massive intellectual activities are needed like how to design the roof the house and where should put the pets in the city and etc. During the process, students can be fully occupied in the game, serving as an antidote to boredom that will be detrimental to students’ mental health if it can be erased promptly. Consequently, playing video games is a better choice for students to make to release their pressure and ensure their health.

  Granted, I have to admit that playing outside with friends is also a better way of releasing pressure like playing sports that can help exercise children’s bodies to improve their physical quality. However, children might be injured while joining sports since they are lack of adequate physical exercises usually. However, playing video games will not trigger any possible injuries.

  In a word, relying on technology is a better choice than playing simple toys or playing outside with friends for children’s development. Learning more out of the classroom, resolving academic problems as well as releasing workloads effectively can all reveal the superiority of relying on technology.

托福往年考试真题 (菁选3篇)(扩展6)



  Some believe that teachers (for students from age 14-18) should focus on lecturing and asking students to take notes during lectures. Others believe that teachers should get students involved in discussion and encourage them to exchange ideas in class. Which way of teaching do you think is more effective for students’ learning?


  Educators and researchers have never stopped the examination of the importance and relevance of collaborative and interactive learning that are encouraged by middle schools. When compared with boring lecturing, I, personally, believe that it is far more beneficial to students when they share their ideas and exchange opinions with each other for the following reasons.

  First off, exchanging ideas with fellow classmates help students develop critical thinking, presentation skills and other kinds of soft skillsets. When discussing issues with peers, students tend to take a position on a certain issue. In this learning process, students will collect their thoughts and synthesize the concepts learned in textbook or in the lecture to support his or her points. Also, to respond to others’ comments, students have to reflect on the rationale of their own arguments and come up with persuasive reasoning. It is obvious that such activities helps students to learning more meaningfully and extensively. Furthermore, students unconsciously learn how to express themselves affirmatively and make their points clear in front of a large audience. It takes right amount of eye contacts, body language and facial expression to convey one’s idea in a convincing way and such presentation skills can be valuable asset for one’s future career.

  Additionally, actively discussing issues with peers can help students to cope with different opinions. When discussing issues with peers, not only do student contribute to the class, but also they get a chance to be exposed to different ideas and perspectives. This is a very conducive experience since we are not living in a vacuum and learning how to appreciate, value and even embrace opinions that are unfamiliar to us can be very important. Furthermore, such experience can be useful in one’s future career when one also has to confront with different business solutions provided by their coworkers. A recent study conducted by Harvard Business Review shows that the one who experienced group discussions and exchanging of views in school demonstrates a higher potential to resolve possible conflicts with future coworkers and enjoys far more promising future.

  In conclusion, discussion and idea exchanges should be encouraged since such activities can help students to develop critical thinking, presentation skills and other kinds of soft skillsets, also they will get students prepared on how deal with different opinions now and in future career.

托福往年考试真题 (菁选3篇)(扩展7)



  现在有一些学校require children(5-11岁) to work together instead of working on their own during most of their learning process, do you agree or disagree that is the best way to teach children?


  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Many schools require young children (aged 5-11) to work together in a small group instead of working alone to learn man activities.

  Educators and researchers have never stopped the examination of the importance and relevance of collaborative learning that are encouraged by middle schools. When compared with studying alone, I, personally, believe that it is far more beneficial to students when working in groups for the following reasons.

  First off, working in a group can be very conducive for students since they can help students to study more effectively and thus tackle real-world issues. A recent study conducted by University of Minnesota backed up the claim that study teams, collaborative learning and group projects are far more effective in helping students to develop useful skills than traditional teacher-led teaching approach. In fact, when learning in groups, students have to do some research about the topic they are expected to discuss beforehand, which helps them to clear up some misunderstandings and boast their enthusiasm in academic exploration. Clearly, working in a group can help students to retain information for a much longer time and have a much deeper understanding of some concepts and ideas. Consequently, if teachers categorize students and organize them in small study groups, chances are that they would solve complex issues together, like researching the history of the city, examining the water quality of the local town, so on and so forth. Students can develop critical thinking skills as well as learn to collect and *yze information from multiple sources.

  Additionally, working in groups has much deeper implications beyond students’ academic experience. As the saying goes: “many hands make light work”. Actually it remains as relevant today as it did a century ago. To be more specific, working together helps to develop skills like cooperation, organization and leadership. When learning in a group, every single student gets a chance to contribute their knowledge to the group, and they can learn to appreciate the work of other students simultaneously as well. What’s more, they have to work closely with others for the same goal otherwise they might not be able to compete with other study groups. More importantly, students will get exposure to distinctive perspectives and at the same time learn how to accept different points of view and find common ground in this process. Such an educational experience will not only be helpful for their future study but also beneficial to them when they have to deal with coworkers, clients, and teammates in a professional setting in the future. Numerous studies have shown that students who have prior experience working with others enjoy a better chance to be successful in their future career.

  In conclusion, working together in a group has far more meaningful implications than working alone since collaborative learning helps students to learn much more effectively and develop important skills that are vital for their future study and career.
