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暑假作业答案 八年级5篇

更新时间:2023-03-20 07:06:29 点击: 来源:yutu

暑假作业答案 八年级 篇一


I. 1. teenager     2. spend   3. forever    4. method    5. latest


III. 1. whenever   2. though   3. therefore   4. While     5. which

IV. 1. author     2. supporting   3. teenagers    4. except    5. disturb

6. chance    7. seldom    8. afford      9. independent

10. gains

V. 1. electrical    2. joy    3. to work   4. practising  5. to manage

6. more useful   7. painting 8. sings    9. personal 10. to accept

VI. 1. pass by       2. in place of       3. come along

4. make fun of       5. give them a hand   6. goes on

7. save up       8. As usual      9. fell ill

10. call back


I. 1. The special experience brought him a great success.

2. I saw some teenagers dancing happily in the park.

3. Do you know whether they will visit the zoo?

4. It is important for us to improve our speaking skills.

5. Can you tell me where the post office is?

II. 1. All the family encouraged the boy to become a doctor.

2. I got interested in playing basketball when I was in high school.

3. They didn’t know what they should buy for Lucy’s birthday.

4. Lin Chen prefers reading books to watching TV.

5. The girl asked the nurse who took her to the hospital.

6. People use gas instead of coal to cook nowadays.

7. I’m sure you can make it as long as you keep it up.

8. After the students read the text, they went on to do the exercises.

9. You should help your mother with the housework when you are free.

10. He was writing a letter at that moment.

暑假作业答案 八年级 篇二


I. 1. longer   2. to clean     3. to listen     4. plays    5. are

6. to stop   7. won’t feel     8. open       9. mend    10. terribly

II. 1-5 DDBAC 6-10 BCDBA

III. 1. like eating     2. a great / big success     3. always asking

4. angry with     5. complain about; stops working

6. to finish; to work   7. to keep; quiet       8. was shown; the 1950s

9. to laugh at     10. in trouble with

IV. 1. memory   2. old     3. their

4. to protect    5. hear about

6. recently   7. like    8. is caused   9. questions 10. first

暑假作业答案 八年级 篇三


I. 1. talking     2. to exercise  3. them    4. to understand 5. worried

6. not getting    7. quickly   8. to running   9. themselves   10. revising

II. 1-5 CBDAC   6-10 BBACD

III. 1. What kind of   2. better than     3. so that   4. Why did

5. that make    6. not to hurry   7. be taken good care of

8. tall enough    9. has she      10. Neither; is

IV. 1. in     2. says    3. find     4. by herself   5. nobody

6. exciting   7. joy     8. looks   9. should   10. questions

暑假作业答案 八年级 篇四

P8一、1 列: ji籍 tui颓 yi贻 yan俨 ni腻 fang枋2 列: 夕日欲颓、太阳快要落山啦 (课本解释)3--5 略二、1 赏析、略P9 2 为了使儿子劳动勤劳所撤的慌才知父亲都是为了自己。3 《狐假虎威》4 略p11 (1) 好奇心 (2)学会不懂要问不要光靠一知解的而以为了解整个世界。 好好学习,努力开发自己的潜力。(2) 经过无数的危险和艰辛才能取得成功。P12 2、书名:《钢铁怎样炼成的》作者:奥斯特洛夫斯基主要内容:以主人公宝尔·柯察金的生活经历为线索,展现了1915到1930年前后俄广阔的历史画面。精彩语录摘抄:朱赫莱被匪徒抓去了。保尔与朱赫莱一起逃跑。由于维克多的告密,保尔被投进了监牢。从监狱出来后,保尔跳进冬妮亚的花园。冬妮亚和保尔产生了爱情。在激战中,保尔头部受了重伤。出院后,他参加恢复和建设国家的工作。冬妮亚和保尔思想差距越来越大,便分道扬镳。在筑路工程快要结束时,保尔得了伤寒,体质越来越坏。1927年,他几乎完全瘫痪了,接着又双目失明。他一方面决心帮助自己的妻子达雅进步;另一方面决定开始文学创作工作。这样,“保尔又拿起了新的武器,开始了新的生活。”同冬尼娅的爱情纠葛,同丽达磊落的友谊,以及对达雅诚挚的感情表现了保尔精神世界的纯洁。数学天地:P13 一、1 B 2 B 3 B 4 D 14页5D二、6、1-3 7、)(2g 8、7 *等腰三角形 10、(1)t s(2)s t 11、2 2 一条直线 12、 g=)(-1 13、(2,0) (0,2) 《2 》2 三、14、 =4.58 15------16题不好打没有。17、△ADE≌△ABE△ADC≌ABA△CDE ≌CBE AC⊥BD18不好打、P15一、1B2C3B二4、)(+12-)(+3 2)(= 2 )(1 (1+1)2=4 m=4 5、6、略数学不好打、有特殊符号、以上特殊符号【)( 为艾格斯】英语园地:暂未完成 请等候更新品德养成:P23 情境分析 (1)愧疚(2)1讲文明,有礼貌是中华民族的传统美德。2在人们互相交往中,平和的语气亲切称呼,诚信的态度,都是对他人的尊重友好的表现。P24价值判断 1(错误) 这是对父母的歧视。 2(正确) 讲文明,有礼貌是中华民族的传统美德。在人们互相关注中,平和的语气亲切的称呼,诚恳的态度,都是对人尊重的表现。 3(错误)竞争与合作是相伴相随的的小竞争与合作无处不在,生活中处处有合作与竞争。4(错误)这种不利于自己长久无谓,只有从小事左起才可以,诚信是与他人的通行证。5(错误)盗版光盘便宜,但侵犯了他人的智利成果权,是一种违法行为。 心灵对话 我:如果父女之间产生矛盾,我们需要怎么办? 我:明白了,子女只有更好的与父母沟通,理解父母,才能有可能避免这些矛盾。 我:应该是小女孩老婆婆那里明白了父母的辛劳,理解父母知道自己错了,十分后悔。 我:被爸爸妈妈您辛苦了,祝福你们新春愉快,工作顺利。P25 探索实践 (1) 不需要竞争,合作也很重要所以不光要注意竞争,而且还要合作。(2)(3)略 成长故事 思考:当合作过程与他人一起时,要主动站在对方立场思考问题,体谅对方情感。历史时空:P27 一、 1上海 鸦片 南京条约 2 A五四运动B黄海海战C金田起义 ①B②C③A 3 左宗棠 1875 1876年进入新疆1881年中俄两国签订条约中国收回伊犁188千年在新疆设立行省 4无 身边的历史、 1、19473月山东孟良崮 2略地理纵横:29 一、1自驾车游,济南--明孝陵--苏州--黄山--武夷山--广东--澳门--海南岛。可以游到很多景点2 电子导航、雨伞、笔记本电脑、数码相机、饮用水、帐篷、眼镜、风衣p30 二 1 冰雪、大雾 2 水果蔬菜无法运输。3注意保暖,开车注意路面滑大雾天气注意开车。p31 三 1 贴春联放鞭炮物理探索:一、1. 2.3.4.略 P33 二2.10com 3缩小 倒立 左 三、光的泽射 不会 远 较大生物世界:P35 一、2、(2){7}子房壁 (3){6}胚珠 3、花萼、西红柿 4、传粉不足、染色体改变 二生物与社会 : 寄生病毒没有细胞。P36空气,大力搞好个人卫生。3、4略 三、1能 遗传物质改变 2 两对 3 自然环境等。四、略实践探索:P40活动一: 春联起源于桃符,明代桃符改称‘春联’ P42活动三 1. 1---B 2---C 3---D 4----A 3、山青水秀风光好 鸟语花香岁月新

暑假作业答案 八年级 篇五

I. 1-5 DAACB 6-10 BDABC

II. 1. in       2. nice    3. become   4. alone   5. looked

6. if       7. stood   8. how     9. surprised 10. agreed

III. (A) 1. wrong   2. pass     3. how     4. for     5. learn from

(B) 1. that   2. what     3. seeing / watching      4. name

5. Have   6. plays     7. stars     8. his     9. lend

10. for

(C) 1-5 DFABE

IV. One possible version:

Many teenagers are getting fatter and fatter nowadays. Being too fat is not good for them. Therefore, more and more teenagers want to lose weight. Here is some advice for them.

First, they need to change their eating habits. For example, they can have some soup before meals because this can make them feel full easily. It’s also important to eat slowly. The faster they eat, the more they want to eat.

Second, they should do more exercise, such as running and swimming.

Finally, they should keep it up and never give up.

夫参署者,集众思,广忠益也。上面的5篇暑假作业答案 八年级是由精心整理的暑假作业答案八年级范文范本,感谢您的阅读与参考。
