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更新时间:2021-12-19 16:11:36 点击: 来源:yutu

【#写作翻译# 导语】以下是©无忧考网为大家整理的踢足球的英文怎么写相关内容,供大家参考。踢足球的英文怎么写(玛丽喜欢踢足球的英文怎么写)

踢足球的英文: play soccer, play football

参考例句: The player booted the football. 这球员踢足球 I'm not sure I'm skilled at playing football. 恐怕我不善踢足球。 I am not sure I ' m skilled at playing football. 恐怕我不擅于踢足球。 I had a game of soccer with my classmates. 我和我的同学们一起踢足球。 Professional football players earn their living by playing football. 职业足球运动员以踢足球为生。 An accident disabled him from playing football. 一次事故使他不能再踢足球。 I preferred soccer to other sports when I was in middle school. 较之其他体育项目,我在中学时更喜欢踢足球。 You are not supposed to play football in the classroom. 在教室里是不准踢足球的。 He is too slight to play football. 他太纤弱,不能踢足球。 He ruptured himself playing football. 他踢足球引发了疝气。play是什么意思:v. 装扮;戏弄;参加;同…比赛;玩;打出;发挥作用;演奏;播放;扮演n. 戏剧,剧本;比赛;玩耍,游戏 represent a play 再上演某剧 play around with 在一起厮混|玩弄|戏弄 Play havoc with 搅乱,破坏soccer是什么意思:n. 英式足球 Burkoth lettered in soccer. 伯考思在足球上获得了佩戴校名首字母标志的荣誉。 The goal in soccer, hockey, and lacrosse. 球门足球、曲棍球和长曲棍球的球门 A movie,fitness,health,soccer nut 影迷、健美迷、健康迷、足球迷football是什么意思:n. 足球(运动);橄榄球(运动) Football or polo? 足球还是水球? There are few parallels between American football and European football. 美国足球和欧洲足球没有什么相似之处。 Professional football players earn their living by playing football. 职业足球运动员以踢足球为生。
