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更新时间:2022-06-20 23:00:57 点击: 来源:yutu

borrow 的反义词是 :lend下面是小编精心为大家整理的来查查borrow的反义词有哪些最新3篇,希望大家可以喜欢并分享出去。

短语: 篇一

borrow /ˈbɒrəʊ/ CET4 TEM4 (borrowing,borrowed,borrows)

1.V-T If you borrow something that belongs to someone else, you take it or use it for a period of time, usually with their permission. 借

例:Can I borrow a pen please?


2.V-T/V-I If you borrow money from someone or from a bank, they give it to you and you agree to pay it back at some time in the future. 借 (钱)

例:Morgan borrowed $5,000 from his father to form the company 20 years ago.


It's so expensive to borrow from finance companies.


3.V-T If you borrow a book from a library, you take it away for a fixed period of time. 借 (书)

例:I couldn't afford to buy any, so I borrowed them from the library.


4.V-T If you borrow something such as a word or an idea from another language or from another person's work, you use it in your own language or work. 借用 (思想、词等)

例:I borrowed his words for my book's title.


中文解释: 篇二

英 ['bɒrəʊ] 美 ['bɑro] 全球发音 跟读 口语练习vi. 借;借用;从其他语言中引入

vt. 借;借用

n. (Borrow)人名;(英)博罗


Borrow money 借钱 ; 借款 ; 借债 ; 开口向别人借钱

borrow pit 取土坑 ; 取土炕 ; 借土坑 ; 采料坑

borrow earth 借土

相关词语的反义词参考: 篇三

lend 的反义词是 borrow

lend: 借出

borrow: 借入

return 的反义词是 borrow

return: 归还

borrow: 借
